πŸ’ͺWhat are the benefits of using My AskAI?

When you use My AskAI for your business, your customer support gets faster, more available, more consistent and you get to see what users want from your product.

  • You won't have to answer the repetitive questions where the answers could have been found by the user reading your support documentation

  • Your support agent's time will be focused on the more technical, account-based queries and higher value customers

  • Your response time will drop dramatically as answers become instant

  • You never have to build another workflow

  • You can keep your existing chat tool (but use them much less)

  • Installation takes less than 2 minutes and doesn't require any technical knowledge

  • You will get an instant picture of all your conversations through insights, without having to read each conversation

  • You'll get suggested fixes for any issues raised by users

  • You can spend less time on customer support and more time on customer success

If you want proof, check out our case studies from our existing customers in our blog:

Last updated