
In addition to webpages and files, you can connect your cloud-based knowledge sources such as Google Drive, Notion, or Confluence (+ more) to train your AI chatbot so it can better answer questions.

Available on our Pro plan, all plans come with a 14-day free trial.

To add more knowledge (in addition to adding website content and files) to your AI chatbot you can connect your cloud-based knowledge sources to your AI chatbot.

By default, all files or pages uploaded via connections are marked "Private" (except for Intercom, Zendesk, Freshdesk or Gitbook pages/articles). You can also make them public.

If files or pages connected are marked "Public" in your AskAI, no links to internal content will be shared as references when displayed publicly (i.e. as a widget on your site), only when used privately.

How to Add Knowledge to Your AI Support Agent

Which knowledge sources do you have connections or integrations with?

You can currently connect the following knowledge sources to your AI chatbot (you can connect multiple sources at once):

  • Google Drive

  • Notion

  • Microsoft OneDrive (Personal only, we can't support OneDrive Business, unfortunately)

  • Dropbox

  • Zendesk

  • Intercom

  • Freshdesk

  • Sharepoint

  • Confluence

  • Gitbook

  • Salesforce

More connections are coming soon, please let us know if you have a specific connection you would like to see by requesting it here.

How do I connect a knowledge source?

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Connect internal knowledge sources.

  2. Click "+ Add new connection".

  3. Click on the knowledge source you would like to integrate with e.g. Google Drive, Intercom etc.

  4. You will then be taken to an authorization screen for the relevant integration.

  5. Select your account or enter your relevant account details, and grant the necessary permissions, for more help on authorizations, look at instructions for the relevant knowledge source here.

  6. You will then be shown a page or file picker for your integration.

  7. Select the files or pages you wish to connect to your AI support agent.

  8. Confirm your selection.

  9. These files are now connected to your AskAI (you can close the file/page picking tab and navigate back to your My AskAI Dashboard to see them being added).

If you select to add a folder or a page with subpages then the connection will sync all files within that folder and any folders (and their content) inside that folder. The same applies for "pages", all linked pages or subpages will also be added.

How do I delete an individual page or file?

To delete a file from your AI support agent:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Connect internal knowledge sources > Live connections

  2. Click "Manage"

  3. Search for and select the file or pages you want to remove and click the trash can icon 🗑️ next to the item

Once a file is removed from the knowledge of an chatbot it is no longer used by the AI to answer questions and that knowledge is removed.

How do I remove a connection?

To disconnect a connection you must delete all content related to that connection, if you need help doing this, please contact us via chat.

How often are the connections updated, can I refresh them?

With most connections, each file or page within a connection is checked and updated every 24 hours if files have been modified to ensure content is kept up to date.

See the full table below for content update schedules:

Content sourceAdded files/folders/pages automatically re-synced?New files/folders/pages automatically added and synced?Sync frequencyLinks visible


Weekly (or on request)

Google Drive

24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)


24 hours (if modified)

If you need to update an item intra-day you can find the item in the relevant connection, then click the "Refresh" icon next to it for an instant update.

Who sees the files and pages I have uploaded?

Connection files and pages are private by default, this means they are not used to answer questions in the public-facing widget unless you explicitly choose for them to do so, this is explained in more detail here.

Even if you choose to make the connection files "Public", links to those connections will not be shared when the AI answers questions - this is mainly because the pages and documents are not always accessible.

Which file formats can I upload?

You can upload the following file formats:

  • pdf

  • xlsx

  • csv*

  • docx

  • txt

  • md

  • rtf

  • tsv

  • pptx

  • mp3

  • mp4 (audio only)

  • mp2

  • aac

  • wav

  • flac

  • pcm

  • m4a

  • ogg

  • opus

  • webm

*Note that for csv files each row resides on its own line, and each element within the row has the header of its corresponding column added to it as a prefix.

How many files, pages, or content pieces can I add or connect?

There is a limit of 10,000 files, pages, or content pieces that can be added to an AI chatbot.

If this is an issue, please get in touch with us via chat.

What are the file size limitations?

The maximum size of a local file to be uploaded is 10MB (this is a limitation put on us by Google, Microsoft et al and so is not something we can work around unfortunately).

Last updated