🔓Private (Internal) mode

In addition to the visitor or customer facing mode of your AI agent, you can also have "Private" mode, that you can use for your team, trained on material that isn't public.

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Your AI agent has 2 modes depending on how you want to use it:

  • Public mode (Private content hidden): This is the mode used when you embed your AI chatbot on a webpage, it only has access to websites uploaded and any content you explicitly designate as "public".

  • Public + Private mode: This is the mode you should use when using your AI chatbot internally, within your business, it has access to all content added or uploaded to your chatbot.

How to use your AI chatbot internally (Public v Private mode)

Accessing public or public + private modes

There are a few ways you can access each mode:


When you log in to your Dashboard, you will see the left menu item "Chat", if you click on this you will be shown your chat widget.

In the bottom left corner, you will see a toggle switch, which will allow you to change between "Public only" or "Public + Private" modes.

Here is how you can invite another team member.

Slack, Teams, Zapier, API

When using any of our integrations with Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zapier or the API, responses will be given using the Public + Private mode, so your team can access answers on your complete knowledge base.

Setting visibility on files and connections

Each type of content added to your AI chatbot's knowledge base can be specified as "Public" or "Public + Private", except for the content added from your public site, this is always classed "Public".

File uploads

By default, files uploaded to your AI chatbot are private.

You can change this either for all files at once:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Upload files

  2. Click "Manage"

  3. Click on the ⚙️ icon next to "Content visibility"

  4. Select either "Set all to Public" or "Set all to Private"

  5. Each file will then be classified in your chosen setting, this may take a few minutes depending on the number of files you have uploaded.

Or by specifying on an individual file:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Upload files

  2. Click "Manage"

  3. Click on the toggle switch next to the file you want to amend the privacy of


By default, files uploaded or pages added via connections (except for Intercom, Zendesk, HubSpot and Freshdesk) to your AI chatbot are private.

You can change this either for all files at once:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Connect internal knowledge sources > Live connections

  2. Click "Manage"

  3. Click on the ⚙️ icon next to "Content visibility"

  4. Select either "Set all to Public" or "Set all to Private"

  5. Each connected file or page will then be classified in your chosen setting, this may take a few minutes depending on the number of files or pages you have connected.

Or by specifying on an individual connected file or page:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Connect internal knowledge sources > Live connections

  2. Click "Manage"

  3. Click on the toggle switch next to the file you want to amend the privacy of

Last updated