
Your AskAI will analyse all conversations customers and visitors have with it to identify common topics, issue, bugs and feedback so you can use the data to build better products for users.

What good is having hundreds or thousands of customer or user conversations if you can't quickly see what they are saying?

We wanted to make it easy to get deep insights into what your users are asking your AskAI, without you having to read through all the transcripts, manually tag things and generally do a lot of "busy work".

How to Use Your AI Chatbot Insights

Here's how our Insights work:


A conversation is a chat that a user has had with an AskAI within a session. Sessions are re-set after 1 hour. 1 conversation or chat can include multiple messages.

A conversation is between a visitor and the AI chatbot, there is not an allowance per visitor, only at an overall account level.


After each conversation has concluded with an AskAI we use AI to analyze it and break it down into "topics".

Topics are summaries of each issue identified or raised within the conversation, one conversation could contain multiple topics or just a single topic.

Each topic is given a title and description that summarises that topic, along with several tags that can help you quickly get up to speed.

You can dive into each topic by clicking the title, this will open up the detailed Insights page from which you can see all the associated conversations, your Smart Suggestion and also a link to share the topic with a team member.

Insight notifications

When a topic reaches 3 conversations, a notification (email or Slack) along with the smart suggestion is sent to the admin and all team members to notify them. Learn more about setting up insight notifications.

Top topic

Your Top topic is the topic that has the most conversations related to it.

Topic visibility

All topics are shown until a topic reaches 3 conversations, at which point only topics with more than 3 conversations will be displayed.

You can view all topics with any number of conversations by clicking "view all" at the top of the Topics table.


Each topic will also be categorized into either a:

  • Question

  • Bug

  • Feedback

This is so you can quickly find and filter on topics of interest to you, questions may require documentation, bugs may require passing to an IT team and feedback to a product team.

Smart suggestions

You can find out about smart suggestions here.


When a topic is created it is automatically designated the status "Open", you can see this by clicking on the title of each topic in the Dashboard.

If you click on the Open status you can change the status to either "Mark as done βœ…" or "Mute & Hide πŸ”•", here's what they each mean:

  • Mark as done βœ… = Mark as done to permanently close this insight/issue. For new similar conversations, a new insight/issue will be created. Anything marked as "Done" will disappear from your Dashboard. To re-open, you can select "View all" on the topic list, find the closed topic, then change the status.

  • Mute & Hide πŸ”• = Mute and hide this insight/issue from your dashboard. New similar conversations will continue to be added to this insight/issue. Anything "Muted" will disappear from your Dashboard. To unmute you can select "View all" on the topic list, find the closed topic, then change the status.

AI resolved

This is a flag showing whether the user requested to "Talk to a person" from the conversation. If they didn't then the conversation is marked as being "Resolved by AI".

The AI resolved % is then calculated as the number of conversations resolved by AI / total number of conversations


The date refers to the date the 1st conversation was held on a topic.

Time saved

The time saved is calculated by estimating the time saved per conversation, multiplied by the number of conversations (which were resolved by AI).

You can edit the time saved per conversation by going to your account settings, by default it is set to 5 minutes.

Filtering and sorting

By default your Open Topics are sorted by number of conversations, and show for all categories. However, you can filter on the Category (Question, Bug, Feedback), or sort from high to low on:

  • Number of conversations

  • % AI resolved

  • Days open

Conversation histories cannot be exported from My AskAI via the platform, if you need to export your history, please get in touch with us at

Last updated