✏️Custom answers

You can create custom answers to questions to have more control over your AI chatbot's response. You can use them to amend responses or enable your chatbot to answer things it previously couldn't.

Available on all plans, all paid plans have a 14-day free trial.

How to Improve Your AI Chatbot Answers

What are custom answers?

Custom answers can be used to adjust or "correct" an AI answer.

You can either create a new question-and-answer pairing from scratch, or you can give the AI more information that will allow it to answer a question it previously couldn't i.e. you were previously getting an "I don't know" response from your chatbot.

When should I use custom answers?

Custom answers should be used for small corrections, adjustments, or if there is a question that doesn't warrant its own documentation.

Before adding a custom answer, think about whether it would make more sense to update your documentation and refresh the page to allow your AI chatbot to answer instead.

How do I create a custom answer?

To create a custom answer (or to correct a response):

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Custom answers

  2. Select "Add custom answers"

  3. Click the button "+ Add custom answer"

  4. Add your question and answer pair (note that answers must be a minimum of 50 characters)

  5. Confirm by pressing "Add custom answer"

That's it, you should be able to then ask your AskAI the question and have it respond with the updated response.

What do I do if it doesn't use my custom answer?

If it still does not answer how you expect after adding a custom answer, try adding more detail to your answer (longer, more specific answers generally work best).

How do I delete a custom answer?

To delete a custom answer:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Custom answers

  2. Select "Add custom answers"

  3. Click the button "Manage custom answers"

  4. Identify your custom answer

  5. Click on the trash can icon and your custom answer will be deleted.

How do I edit a custom answer?

Custom answers cannot be edited, however you can delete them and create new custom answers.

How do I edit an existing answer?

To edit an existing answer your AI chatbot is giving, create a new custom answer using the question you asked and your updated response.

How do I see all the questions it couldn't answer and correct them?

To see a list of all the questions your AI chatbot has been unable to answer in the last 30 days:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Custom answers

  2. Select "Add custom answers"

  3. You will then see a list of all "Questions that couldn't be answered (last 30 days)"

  4. To update a question with a response, click on the "+" icon next to the question

  5. Enter your response then click "Add custom answer"

  6. You can then find this answer by clicking on "Manage customer answers"

  7. If you do not want to add a response then click the trash can icon to remove the question from your list.

How can I see all my custom answers?

To view all of your custom answers:

  1. Go to Chatbot setup > Knowledge > Custom answers

  2. Select "Add custom answers

  3. Click on "Manage custom answers", you will then see a list of all your custom answers.

Last updated