Zendesk (Tagging + Sentiment)

Automatically tag your tickets and conversations in Zendesk with custom tags and sentiment scores.

It can take hours of repetitive work to tag and categorize your support tickets and conversations each month.

But now your AI agent can automatically do this classification and categorization for you, directly in Zendesk, accurately and consistently, so you can focus on understanding what your customers are asking and how they are feeling.

How do I set up automated tagging and sentiment scores in Zendesk?

To set up your automated ticket or conversation tagging or sentiment scoring in Zendesk please get in touch with us via our live chat and we will assist you with the set-up.

How much does it cost to automatically tag and get a sentiment score for each ticket or conversation?

It costs $0.10 to tag and score each conversation within Zendesk, this will be an add-on to your existing subscription and charged at the end of each billing period.

We also offer volume discounts, get in touch with us via our live chat to learn more.

What tagging or categories can I use for my Zendesk tickets and conversations?

You can use your own custom tagging, categories, reason codes or groupings when tagging your Zendesk tickets or conversations.

The tagging will be captured in up to 2 Zendesk custom fields you define, for each conversation or ticket, or within the β€˜Tags’ field if you don’t use custom fields.

What reporting do I have for my tags and sentiment?

You can use Zendesk Explore to interrogate and report on your tags and sentiment scores to see which and how they are changing over time.

How many tags can I apply to my Zendesk tickets or conversations?

We would recommend using fewer than 200 tags.

Last updated